First Lady Larkett White is the wife of Pastor Rick White, Pastor and Founder of Victorious Believers Community Church. Devoted to the vision of the ministry, First Lady White assists her husband with a variety of duties to assure that his God-given mandate is carried out.
First Lady White ministers to VBCC’s dynamic Victorious Women’s Ministry. She endeavors to minister a practical and relevant Word for victorious living to women of all ages, from young girls to grandmothers. She passionately encourages women to support and fulfill the purpose of God in their lives. Her ministering inspires and challenges women to develop a strong relationship with God and with their families.
First Lady White has a heart for children. She loves ministering to children of all ages, but she always gives special attention to the newborns and toddlers. She just has a special touch that causes children to be at peace.
First Lady White genuinely has a heart for people and she desires to see the lost come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. She is an awesome anointed woman of prayer and vision. She believes God will use her to minister to the masses spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.